Archive by category: The LatestReturn

SQU-Ministry of Higher Education Joint Committee Meets

The Joint Committee of the Ministry of Higher Education and Sultan Qaboos University held its third meeting on 28/2/2018 at Sultan Qaboos University led by HE Dr. Ali bin Saud Al Bimani, Vice Chancell...

Forum Addresses Soil System as Foundation of Food Security

The Department of Soils, Water & Agricultural Engineering at the College of Agricultural & Marine Sciences at SQU organized a forum on “Soil Cosmos as a Foundation of Food Security” with the...

SQU, University of Nizwa to Enhance Ties

On February 19th, 2018, Dr. Rahma Al-Mahrooqi, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Postgraduate Studies and Research at Sultan Qaboos University, and Prof. Ahmed Sulaiman Al-Harrasi, Vice-Chancellor for Re...

Conference Discusses Risk Management Practices

The Risk Management Office at Sultan Qaboos University organized the Risk Management Conference under the patronage of Sheikh Dr. Al Khattab bin Ghalib Al-Hinai, Deputy Chairman of the State Council. ...

OCMB Hosts Frontiers in Marine Biotechnology Conference

Inspiring the exchange of ideas among individuals and organizations from the world of marine biotechnology, the Frontiers in Marine Biotechnology Conference, hosted by the Oman Centre for Marine Biote...

SQU Council Approves Master’s Program in Psychological Counselling

H.E. Dr. Rawya bint Saud al Busaidi, Minister of Higher Education, and Chairperson of the Sultan Qaboos University Council, chaired the second meeting of the SQU Council for the academic year 2017-201...

Nursing Conference Focuses on Technology and Innovation

The Second International Nursing Conference “Transforming Nursing Future: Technology, Innovation and Collaboration” was organized by the College of Nursing at Sultan Qaboos University from 5 to 7 Fe...
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