
Programme Re-accreditation of the Bachelor of Law, Sultan Qaboos Unversity

01 Jul, 2024 |


The College of Law at Sultan Qaboos University announces that the International External Quality Assurance (IEQA) process conducted by Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) Agency in Germany and approved by OAAAQA has resulted, on 14/06/2024, in the following outcome: Programme Re-accreditation of the Bachelor of Law.

FIBAA is concerned with the international accreditation of academic programmes at all levels, and is recognised by numbers of international bodies and institutions such as the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR), the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), and the German Accreditation Council (GAC). FIBAA is also listed on OAAAQA’s National Register for Recognised International Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education Institutions in the Sultanate of Oman.

In granting academic accreditation to higher education institutions, FIBAA relies on five standards:

Standard 1: The objectives, the international and national orientation of the study programme, and its positioning in the labour market.

Standard 2: The admission procedures into the study programme.

Standard 3: The content, the structure and didactical concepts of the study programme.

Standard 4: The academic environment, the management of the study programme, and the support services.

Standard 5: Documentation and quality assurance.

The programme of the Bachelor of Law passed all accreditation standards successfully and exceeded the requirements in some Standards, such as student support provided by faculty and information dissemination about students’ activities during the academic year. This reaccreditation is valid for seven years, from 2024 until 2031.

In a statement on the occasion given by the Dean of the College of Law, Dr. Saleh bin Hamad Al Barashdi, highlighted the importance of the steps taken by the College of Law to meet international standards approved in higher education in the field of law. He also drew attention to the programme’s endeavours to provide the national legal market with national qualified competencies apt in taking on and assuming legal functions at all levels in both the public and private sectors. He further stated that the College of Law continues its pursuit of enhancing the quality of all academic programmes it offers, and meeting the best standards approved internationally and nationally, which would ensure quality in higher education.

As for Dr. Saleh Bouchelaghem, Head of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Unit at the College of Law, he confirmed that this achievement leads to further improvement of all aspects of the reaccredited programme of study and would initiate the accreditation of all four postgraduate programmes of the College of Law that will be listed on the Oman Qualification Framework (OQF). Dr. Saleh Bouchelaghem also praised all the efforts that have been undertaken by the College administration and its support for all accreditation operations. Furthermore, he was admirative of and grateful for the active participation in the virtual meetings organized by FIBAA.

On this occasion, the Dean, Dr. Saleh bin Hamad Al Barashdi, extended his sincere thanks and appreciation to the academic faculty, administrative staff, and students of the College of Law for their continuous efforts to achieve the quality standards required for accreditation. He also thanked all participants in the meeting with the accreditation committee at the university level, led by the Quality Assurance Office, and all offices and centres which provided support in the accreditation virtual meetings. He is also grateful for the great support of Sultan Qaboos University administration in advancing the quality of graduate students and providing the best conditions for teaching and learning. This achievement is also a recognition and an acknowledgment of the quality of the Bachelor of Law which is offered by the College and its conformity with approved international standards.

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