IS Department Holds Industry Advisory Board Meeting

16 Apr, 2018 |

The Information Systems Department at the College of Economics and Political science (CEPS) at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), organized its Industry Advisory Board meeting on Thursday, April 12, 2018. The mission of the information systems (IS) advisory board is to “foster partnership between the information systems department and leading IS executives, with diverse spectrum of expertise from the public and private organizations in Oman. It also aims to provide continuous advice, guidance and support for the development of IS Department’s teaching, research, and community service in order to stay abreast of real world emerging IS issues and trends.

The IS advisory board members include Dr. Salim Al Ruzaiqi,  CEO of the Information Technology Authority (ITA), Mr. Said Al-Mandhari, CEO of Oman Broadband Company, Mr. Maqbool Al-Wahaibi, CEO of Oman Data Park, Mr. Said Al-Rashdi, CEO of SANDAN, Dr. Hamad Al-Busaidi , Director General of Telecommunications and Information Systems at Diwan of Royal Court, Mr. Saif Al-Hosni, Regional Manager at Microsoft, Mr. Abdullah Al-Raqadi , Director General of Information Technology at Ministry of Health, Ms. Huda Al-Habsi, General Manager of Information Technology at OmanTel, Ms. Nawal Al-Araimi, the Head of Planning and Information Sector at the Public Authority for Manpower Register, Ms. Faiza Rahmatullah IM & T Manager at PDO and Hassan Mr. Abdul Ali, an Independent IT Consultant.

The meeting commenced with the welcoming speech for the attending members delivered by Dr. Kamla Al-Busaidi, the Head of the Information Systems Department and the industry advisory board members’ elected chair Mr. Said Al-Mandhari, CEO of Oman Broadband Company.  This was followed by a brief of the department latest achievement by the HoD, and an update of the information systems students group’s activities, which was presented by the group leader (Ahmed Al-Ajmi) and deputy (Jawaher Al-Akhzami).

The discussed issues of this 2018 3rd IS advisory board meeting was to seek industry‘s feedback on the Information Systems PhD program proposal, which was presented by Dr. Ali Al-Badi;  and strengthen links with corporate/industry from Accreditation’s Perspective by Dr. Rafi Ashrafi, from Department perspective by Dr. Zahran Al-Salti and from International Perspective by Dr. Yousuf Al-Hinai.  “Industry advisory board meetings and members’ enriching insights have significantly contributed to the Department’s existing academic programs and proposed initiatives. Industry advisory board is crucial for continuous development and planning,” Dr. Kamla said.

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