Oman is identified as a regional hub of high quality research and innovation, an achievement that is largely underpinned by its highly skilled research management and administration specialists. These not only help to ensure that excellent standards of research are achieved, but that research is aligned with the needs of the government and industry and contributes to the socio-economic development of Oman and the region.
Sultan Qaboos University has a strong and highly skilled research management and administration structure/function. With a strong record of accomplishment of proven expertise in these areas, Sultan Qaboos University is well placed to host a conference on international best practices in research management and administration. The conference will provide a forum for research management and administration professionals, researchers and educators from across the world to share best practices in research management and administration, to discuss issues and challenges currently facing research management and to identify collaborative venues for addressing relevant issues
- Share the best practices in research management and administration.
- Identify challenges and issues facing research management and administration.
- Provide a forum for an informed discussion of issues related to research culture, norms and values.
- Explore international approaches to quantify and monitor quality and impact of research.