SQU to Organize Summer School in Intellectual Property

Listen to the third episode of “Within SQU” to know more about the Summer School in Intellectual Property program and forthcoming fair of Career & Training 2020

SQU Council Offers Condolences on the Demise of HM Sultan Qaboos

On Monday, 17 February 2020, Sultan Qaboos University Council held its second meeting for the academic year 2019/2020 at the University Council Meeting Hall, under the chairmanship of HE Dr. Rawya bin...

ISTAIM2020 Deliberates Intelligent Healthcare System

The International Symposium for Telemedicine and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (ISTAIM2020), organized by the Communication and Information Research Centre (CIRC) and the Medical Research Centre...

SQU Gears Up for Student Learning Conference

You can now listen to “Within SQU”, the weekly radio program on SQU broadcast on Oman FM. Listen to the first episode to know more about the forthcoming conference “Reimagine Te...

Conference Discusses Reality and Challenges of Student Affairs

The First International Conference on Student Affairs: Reality and Challenges, organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs, in association with the College of Arts & Social Sciences at Sultan Qab...
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