Outstanding Scientist Award for Nurse Educator

10 Oct, 2018 |

Dr. Judie Arulappan, Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Maternal and Child health, College of Nursing, Sultan Qaboos University, has received “Outstanding Scientist in Child Health Nursing-2018” award from Venus International foundation, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. This award is conferred for her exceptional research record and significant contribution and insights in Child health nursing.

Dr. Judie Arulappan joined College of Nursing, Sultan Qaboos University in August, 2015. Her expertise includes research, curriculum development, leadership, innovation, academic writing, team dynamics and mentoring. Her areas of interest in research include Adolescent health, Yoga, Psychosocial well- being, Health related quality of life, Epilepsy management, obesity prevention and organ donation. She is the Principal investigator of few funded and many non-funded projects. She is actively involved in conducting collaborative multi centric research projects. She has published many original research papers in indexed international journals. She is identified as “SQU Pure expert” in SQU active researchers Elsevier Database.

Dr. Arulappan is the recipient of many awards including Best Teacher award, Best Women leader award, Excellence in Nursing Research Award, Best Nursing Initiative Award and Young Achiever in nursing award. She is the adaptation editor for “Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing” – First and second south Asian edition, 2015 & 2018. She also has authored few chapters in nursing books. She is the member of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), International Network for Health Workforce Education, Oman Cancer Foundation and National League for Nursing. She has introduced OSCE as an exit examination in the BSN program. She is the College representative for Strategic planning committee, Academic integrity committee, and Internal quality audit committee, Sultan Qaboos University. She has served as the focal point of Oman Academic Accreditation Authority (OAAA).


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