SQU Organizes First Aid Workshop for School Children

01 May, 2018 |

Today’s Children are Tomorrow’s Citizens” goes an old saying. The strength of the country is their growing young population. The occurrences of sudden injuries and unsafe incidents in schools across Oman led the Risk Management Office at the Sultan Qaboos University through the Department of Maternal and Child Health, College of Nursing organize a First Aid Workshop for School Children on 26 April. The event was titled “Creating Safety Superheroes” and was opened by Dr. Salim Al Harthi, Director, Risk Management Office and Dr. Omar Al Rawajfah, Dean, College of Nursing, SQU. The beneficiaries were 50 students aged between 8 to 12 and 5 faculties from Al Tfawq School, Muscat. The faculty of the department along with the nursing students had organized three main topics like dealing with minor injuries, nose bleeding and choking which are common incidents that occur among children. The awareness was created in the form of fun activities with educative first aid coloring books, demonstration on mannequins, videos, games and take home comic messages. Each student was also given a first aid box after explaining the purpose of it and how to use the contents. The children were sensitized with the emergency numbers used in Oman. The event winded up with a valedictory function where the participants where acknowledged with a certificate of participation. Dr. Al Harthi, said that the RMO is working on this as a National Initiative for resuming risk culture at society.

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