Need for More Mental Health Services for the Young

Oman  is  an  emerging  economy  which  has  witnessed  rapid  development  and  demographic  shift  over  the  past  fo...

Oman’s Trade Potential with IORA Member States

A group of researchers from the Department of Natural Resource Economics of the College of Agricultural & Marine Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University suggests that it is time for Oman’s bila...

Utilizing Drilling Waste in Cement Industry Ensures Sustainability

During the drilling operations and the extraction of crude oil, it is necessary to pump large amounts of drilling mud i.e., mixture of clay mixed with oil and water for the sake of lubricating the dri...

Daytime Sleepiness Common among Young Omani Drivers

A study that investigated the prevalence of sleepiness while driving has revealed that daytime sleepiness was fairly common among young Omani drivers. Various characteristics were found to be associat...

Repeat Migration of bar-tailed godwits wintering at Barr Al Hikman

By: Dr. Andy KwartengBar tailed-godwits are known to breed on the Arctic coasts and tundra in Europe and Asia and spend the winters on the coast of tropical and temperate regions including Sultanate o...

Nanotechnology Helps Extend Shelf Life of Local Vegetables

Okra or ladies’ fingers is a local vegetable commonly grown in Oman. It is one of the most heat and drought resistant species in the world. Okra is commonly used to cook different dishes in diff...

Ways to Make Farming More Sustainable

Oman has recently adopted a policy of revenue diversification, in which the agricultural sector is expected to contribute prominently. Undistorted factor markets are a perquisite for efficient allocat...

Dead Zones of the Western Arabian Sea

Oxygen minimum zones (also called as the dead zones or hypoxic zones), have been reported for over 400 geographical regions of the World Ocean and regional seas. The phenomenon is a key stressor of op...

Project Examines Population Structures of Spiny Lobster along Oman’s Coastline

The government of the Sultanate of Oman in its ninth Five-Year National Development Plan (2016-2020) has identified fisheries as a key sector for contributing to the country’s gross domestic pro...
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